

28 Aug, 2024
Are you searching for ways to improve your comfort at home? Try investing in a whole-home humidifier! Now you may be wondering “what does a whole-home humidifier do?” Whole-home humidifiers help improve indoor air quality, especially during the dry winter months or in areas with naturally low humidity. In this blog, we’ll explore all the ways a whole-home humidifier can improve your home and health. Benefits of a Whole-Home Humidifier 1. Say Goodbye to Dry Air Low humidity levels can lead to dry skin, irritated eyes, and discomfort. A whole-home humidifier maintains standard humidity levels, creating a more comfortable living environment. This can also make your home feel warmer in the winter, reducing the need to turn up the thermostat. 2. Breathe Easy Proper humidity levels can help ease symptoms of respiratory issues, such as dry throat and sinus congestion. It also reduces the likelihood of nosebleeds and can help in reducing the spread of airborne viruses by keeping the mucous membranes moist. 3. Preservation of Home Furnishings Wood furniture, flooring, and musical instruments can suffer from cracking and warping from dry air. A whole-home humidifier protects these valuable items and saves you from costly repairs and replacements by maintaining consistent humidity levels. 4. Less Static Electricity Dry air increases static electricity, which can lead to annoying shocks and damage electronic equipment. A humidifier helps to reduce static build-up and gives you a shock-free environment. 5. Save on Your Energy Bills Maintaining proper humidity levels can reduce the extra strain on your heating system. Humidified air feels warmer, which can allow you to lower your thermostat and save on heating costs over time. Types of Whole-Home Humidifiers Whole-home humidifiers are designed to provide consistent humidity throughout your entire home. The two main types are evaporative and steam humidifiers, each with its own method of adding moisture to the air. 1. Evaporative Humidifiers Evaporative humidifiers use the natural process of evaporation to add moisture to the air. They are typically installed as part of your home’s HVAC system and come in two main variants: bypass and fan powered. Bypass Humidifiers : These units use a bypass duct to direct a portion of your home’s warm air through a water panel or evaporative pad. The air then picks up moisture before being returned to the home’s ductwork. Bypass humidifiers are energy-efficient and suitable for homes with existing HVAC systems . They tend to be quieter but may require a separate installation component. Fan-Powered Humidifiers : These units have a built-in fan that helps to force air through the water panel or pad, creating a more efficient moisture distribution. Fan-powered humidifiers are generally more effective in larger homes or in areas with higher humidity needs. They offer quicker humidity adjustments and are typically easier to install. 2. Steam Humidifiers Steam humidifiers, also known as steam vaporizers, use an electric element to boil water and release steam into the air. The steam is cooled slightly before being distributed throughout the home. Steam humidifiers provide precise control over humidity levels and can reach higher humidity levels compared to evaporative models. They’re ideal for homes with specific humidity requirements or for those seeking a more robust solution to dry air issues. However, you should consider that steam humidifiers generally consume more energy than evaporative models due to the heating process. They also require more frequent maintenance to ensure proper operation and to prevent mineral build-up. Choosing the Right Whole-Home Humidifier When selecting a whole-home humidifier, consider factors such as the size of your home, your specific humidity needs, and energy efficiency. Consulting with a professional can help determine the best type and model for your situation, ensuring that you achieve optimal comfort and performance. At Custom Cooling & Heating , we specialize in helping you find the perfect cooling and heating solutions in Lincoln, Nebraska. Our experts can assist with selecting, installing, and maintaining the right humidifier for your home. We are your trusted partner for a comfortable home! Contact us today for advice, installation, and support to boost your home’s comfort and well-being.
20 Aug, 2024
As we continuously seek energy-efficient and environmentally friendly options, geothermal heating and cooling systems are becoming more popular. These types of systems use the Earth's natural heat to regulate indoor temperatures, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional HVAC methods. But before you make the switch, it’s essential to understand both the advantages and potential drawbacks of geothermal technology. Here’s a comprehensive look at geothermal heating and cooling, and its pros and cons.
17 Jul, 2024
Variable-speed compressors are one of the most recent products in residential air conditioning. It’s a huge leap forward for getting the perfect indoor temperature most efficiently. And if you’re wondering “What’s the difference between single-stage, two-stage, and variable-speed compressors,” here’s the simple answer: Variable-speed compressors are the better choice. But you weren’t looking for the simple answer, were you? Let’s talk about why it’s the better choice. Understanding Traditional Air Conditioning Single-stage compressors are the most basic type, offering only one level of operation: high. This means they run at full capacity whenever they are on, cycling on and off throughout the day. Single-stage compressors blast your home with cold air and turn themselves off when they reach the temperature setting on your thermostat. For example, if you set the thermostat to 75 degrees, the air conditioner will run anytime indoor temperatures hit 76 degrees. After the AC cools the house back to 75 degrees, it will turn off again. There’s also a two-stage or dual-stage compressor that provides two distinct levels of operation: high and low. This allows for more efficient and flexible cooling compared to single-stage systems. A two-stage unit runs at full capacity when you need it to and at a lower level when you don’t. Two-stage units don’t run as continuously as a variable-speed AC, but they do cycle on and off less frequently than single-stage systems. Basics of Variable-Speed Air Conditioning Variable-speed compressors work differently. To maintain an indoor temperature that matches the setting on your thermostat, they operate continuously at less than 100% capacity – often as low as 25% or 30% capacity. As a result, they run for much longer cycles than single-stage AC units. In the summertime, they might run for all or most of the day! At this point, you’re probably thinking, “It’s hot out there! Why would I want an air conditioner that runs longer and cools my home slower?” Well, a variable-speed compressor’s longer run times dehumidify your home more effectively than the short cycles of a single-stage unit. One of the biggest problems with single-stage compressors is that they’re not running continuously. Relative humidity increases whenever the AC isn’t on, making you feel hotter and more uncomfortable. Most people deal with this problem by lowering the temperature on their thermostat, which brings us to the other benefit of variable-speed compressors: cost. The Cost of Comfort A single-stage compressor blasts your home with cold air before it turns itself off. Then it turns on again when the indoor temperature increases. Most of your air conditioner’s electricity draw occurs when it turns on, not while it’s running. In the summer, a single-stage compressor turns on and off a lot, known as “short cycling.” Short cycling can become an issue when it is above 95 degrees outside and you’re gaining heat about as fast as your A/C can remove it. Since single-stage compressors have short cycles, they draw a lot more electricity than a variable-speed unit that turns on and stays on (at a low speed) for hours. They also don’t dehumidify indoor air very well, forcing you to lower the temperature setting on your thermostat. As a result, the single-stage AC is much more expensive to operate! Two-stage compressors don’t turn on and off nearly as much. They’re more efficient than single-stage units, but not as efficient as variable-speed compressors. Variable-speed air conditioners run continuously, dehumidifying the air inside your home. As a result, you feel comfortable at higher temperatures and don’t have to set your thermostat so low. And since they don’t turn on as often, variable-speed AC units lower your energy bill . Are There Other Benefits? Believe it or not, more effective cooling and greater efficiency aren’t the only benefits of a variable-speed compressor. If you’re concerned about indoor air quality, opting for a two-stage or variable speed unit can help purify the air circulating your home , resulting in healthier conditions for you and your family. Since they dehumidify indoor air more effectively than a single-stage unit, a more efficient system helps you eliminate mold growth in bathrooms and kitchens, prevent dust mites, and create conditions that aren’t suitable for insect intruders. And since variable speed units run more frequently, they also filter your indoor air more effectively. More air is cycled through your return ducts – and your air filters – resulting in a lower volume of air contaminants. According to the American Lung Association , the average American spends 90% of their time inside, and 62% of that time inside their own home. Having cleaner air inside your home for yourself and your family is essential. Nowadays, you can look beyond “keeping cool” and improve many aspects of home comfort, all through your choice of air conditioning equipment. Variable speed technology is a big reason why. Looking for guidance on the best air conditioner for your Lincoln area home? Whether single-stage, two-stage, or variable speed, our team can help you choose the right system. Contact Custom Cooling and Heating today to find the right fit for you.
29 May, 2024
High energy bills can strain your budget and leave you asking the question: “Where is all that energy going?”. Luckily, there are steps you can take to identify these issues and make your home more energy efficient. Here are 5 ways to lower your energy bill. Identifying the Problem Before you can reduce your energy bill, it is important to understand why it is so high to begin with. Many factors contribute to high energy usage: Poor Insulation : poor insulation in your home can result in heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer, causing your heating and cooling systems to work harder and consume more energy . Old Appliances : Outdated appliances, such as refrigerators, dishwashers, water heaters, and especially your heating and cooling systems are less energy-efficient than newer models and can contribute to high energy bills . Air Leaks : Drafty windows, doors, and gaps in walls or ceilings allow conditioned air to escape and outdoor air to come into your home, leading to increased energy usage. Overuse of Electronics : Leaving electronic devices, lights, and appliances on when not in use can waste energy and raise your electricity bill. Inefficient Lighting : Traditional incandescent light bulbs consume more energy and generate more heat than energy-efficient alternatives like LEDs or CFLs.
30 Apr, 2024
Ever felt like your house is stuck playing hot potato with the weather? Maybe it’s blazing in the summer, chilly in the winter, or even both? That's where a trusty HVAC system comes in, keeping your home comfortable year-round. But exactly what is an HVAC system, and how does it work its magic? Buckle up, because we're about to turn you into a home climate champion!  7 Ways an HVAC System Improves Your Home Breathe Easy with Freshly Circulated Air Banish the Blues with Temperature Control Good Riddance to Humidity! Sleep Like a Baby (Without Sweating)! Protect Your Home Energy Efficiency for Our Planet and Your Wallet Preserve Your Peace of Mind
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